Month of Hope: A Cancer Awareness Event
Month of Hope: Cancer Awareness
Join us for a month-long event at Delaware Main Library honoring those who have fought or are still fighting cancer. Add a friend or loved one to our list of honor, pick up cancer-coping and prevention tips, or send a card.
All month long, patrons can honor those who have fought and are still fighting cancer by:
- Picking up library materials related to cancer for you or a loved one
- Signing a card to send to someone at an oncology center
- Picking up information and tips on how to cope with the disease and care for those fighting
- Adding a friend or loved one’s first name or initials to our list of honor
- Names added to our honor display will give a representation of how many in the area have been affected by cancer, just in time to celebrate National Cancer Survivors Day, held on June 2 this year.
Forms to add honorees are available at Delaware Main Library, or you can fill out our online form now!
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We open doors to imagination, knowledge, connection, and discovery.