Voter Registration
Important 2025 Election Dates for Voters
2025 Primary Election
- April 7: Deadline to register to vote in the Primary Election — you can also check your registration here.
- April 8: Early in-person voting and absentee voting by mail begins. Find your polling location here. Early voting hours are listed here.
- May 4: Last day for in-person early voting.
- May 5: Mailed absentee ballots must be postmarked by today.
- May 6: Primary Election Day. Polls are open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. You can also return your absentee ballot in-person to your county board of elections before the close of the polls at 7:30 p.m. on Election Day.
2025 General Election
- October 6: Deadline to register to vote (Boards are open until 9 pm) — you can also check your registration here.
- October 7: Early in-person voting and absentee voting by mail begins. Find your polling location here. Early voting hours are listed here.
- November 2: Last day for in-person early voting.
- November 3: Mailed absentee ballots must be postmarked by today.
- November 4: General Election Day. Polls are open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. You can also return your absentee ballot in-person to your county board of elections before the close of the polls at 7:30 p.m. on Election Day.
Voter Registration
You can complete and submit a voter registration form or absentee ballot request form at any of our branches, or visit the Delaware County Board of Elections to get more voter information. These forms and applications are printed for free and collected at every Delaware County District Library location for safe delivery to the local Board of Elections office.
View some of these Voter FAQs for Ohio; more information can also be found at Nonprofit VOTE.
- Voting as an Ex-Offender
- Voting and Homelessness
- Voting and Domestic Violence
- Voting in Ohio with a Disability (also see Disability Rights Ohio)
- Voting for Ohio Military and Overseas Voters
Other Answered Questions about Voting in Delaware County
Are you registered to vote?
Check online using Voter Lookup
What form of ID is required to be able to vote in person?
There are several types of valid photo identification, including: Ohio driver’s license; State of Ohio ID card; Interim ID form issued by the Ohio BMV; a US passport; a US passport card; US military ID card; Ohio National Guard ID card; or US Department of Veterans Affairs ID card. All photo IDs must have an expiration date that has not passed, a photo of the voter, and the voter’s name, which must substantially conform to the voter’s name as it appears in the Poll List or Poll Book. Learn more here.
Need to register to vote or update your voter registration (if you’ve moved or changed your name)?
Print and fill out a Voter Registration and Information Update Form. Once you’ve filled out your voter registration form, drop it off at any Delaware Library location or at the Delaware County Board of Elections, located at 2079 US Highway 23 N, Delaware, OH 43015.
Not sure where to vote?
Find your polling location at Voter Lookup.
Not able to make it to the polls on Election Day?
Apply for an Absentee Ballot by printing and filling out this form. The form may be mailed, or returned in person to the Board of Elections by a near relative (defined as the voter’s spouse, or the voter’s father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister, son, daughter, adopting parent, adopted child, stepparent, stepchild, uncle, aunt, nephew, or niece). Find even more information on the Delaware County Board of Elections website.
How do you turn in your absentee ballot?
Absentee ballots for the November election will be mailed in early October. Once a voter has received an absentee ballot, fill out the actual ballot, vote for your chosen candidates and issues, and then either mail it or deliver it to the County Board of Elections. Actual ballots cannot be collected by the Delaware County District Library locations.
If you return your absentee ballot by mail, it must be postmarked no later than the day before Election Day and received by your county board of elections no later than four days after the election. If you are returning your voted ballot by mail during the week before Election Day, you should take it to USPS no later than the day before Election Day and ensure it receives a postmark. If you choose deliver your absentee ballot, it must be returned by the voter or a close relative (see the definition of a close relative above) to your County Board of Elections.
Requested an absentee ballot, but now want to vote in-person either early or on Election Day?
According to the Ohio Secretary of State, “if a voter previously submitted an absentee ballot application to receive a ballot by mail and appears to vote early in-person at the board of elections or early vote center, the voter does not need to vote provisionally (presuming no other reason for provisional voting applies).” Please see point three (III) in the Secretary of State’s directive.
Learn about your elected officials and the issues on the current ballot.
- Ohio’s current United States Senators are Jon Husted and Bernie Moreno.
- Find out who your Federal Representative is on the US House of Representatives website.
- Find out who your State Senator and Representative are on the Ohio Legislature’s website.
- Not sure what your ZIP Code +4 is? Look it up on the United States Postal Service’s website.
Trusted partners and websites.
Want to teach the kids in your life about voting?
Here’s a fun video with some fairytale friends who recently stopped by the Library for a visit.
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